Recycling or using less plastic
There are some types of plastic that you can recycle while there are some you can’t, depending on where you live. You can ask for help to know which type of plastic can be recycled. You can choose to use a reusable water bottle that you can clean and refill, encourage people in your family to have a reusable grocery bag when they go to the store, and try to always go for items that are made using environmentally-friendly materials. Instead of using things made of plastic, look for those made from bamboo. One-time plastic use items don’t break and they remain in the environment and most of the time end up in the ocean. This is not good for marine life because the sharks can eat them or become entangled in them.
Don’t Litter
Whether you are living close to an ocean or far, it is not a good thing to litter. It makes the environment dirty and can be blown and end up in the ocean where it affects marine animals like sharks. You should never litter.
Avoid using products that contain “squalene” or have “squalene” in their ingredients list
You can find it in makeup, lotions, and creams. The ingredient is from shark’s liver and they are often killed for this purpose. Make sure you read the ingredient list of the products you use and make sure they don’t contain squalene.
Avoid mislabeled seafood like surimi (imitation crab), whitefish, flake, or fish and chips
One common strategy happening is companies giving food other names to hide the fact it is shark meat. You should always ask where the seafood you want to buy or consume comes from. It is also great when you know that the food came from a fishery that uses sustainable fishing methods. Try your best to learn about the source of your food.
Educating others and teaching them about the importance of sharks
Educating others is one of the best things we can do. When you know more about something, you start loving it and you find yourself doing everything to protect it. Let your friends and family know the importance of sharks to human survival and the planet at large. Once they get to know, they will be ready to help save our sharks. The little you do is going to have a huge impact on the environment, so go out and start doing it.