There are a lot of choices to make when it comes to smoking cannabis. Which method is right for you? Dry herb vaporizers and bongs have pros and cons, so how do you decide which option is best? In this blog post, we’ll break down the differences between these two methods and help you figure out which one is right for you. Keep reading to learn more!
What are Dry Herb Vaporizers?
Dry herb vaporizers are devices that allow users to heat cannabis, without combustion, to the point of vaporization. There are many different types of dry herb vaporizers, such as on-demand vaporizers, session vaporizers, desktop vaporizers, hybrid vaporizers, and more.
The main difference between most dry herb vaporizers is their heating methods. Some devices, such as the on-demand vaporizer, use convection as a heating method, which means the device circulates hot air around the cannabis. In contrast, session vaporizers use conduction as a heating method.
How Do They Work?
To understand how dry herb vaporizers work, you need to understand what most dry herb vaporizers consist of. Most dry herb vaporizers consist of a mouthpiece, with or without a filter or fine screen, a battery, a heating source, and a metal or ceramic heating chamber.
All you need to do to use a dry herb vaporizer is grind cannabis, fill the ceramic or metal heating chamber, select a temperature, wait until the cannabis has been vaporized, and inhale. The most important parts of using a dry herb vaporizer are grinding the cannabis, filling the chamber correctly, and selecting an appropriate temperature.
Benefits of Dry Herb Vaporizers
One of the reasons dry herb vaporizers have become so popular is simply because they offer a wide range of benefits. For example, dry herb vaporizers are a much healthier method of consuming cannabis compared to smoking. This is because dry herb vaporizers don’t use combustion; burning cannabis creates harmful toxins and carcinogens.
Another benefit of dry herb vaporizers is that the devices are very discreet and allow you to consume on the go wherever you are. This is because they don’t leave behind a massive cloud of smoke that lingers in the air. They are also relatively small and can fit into any handbag or pocket.
What are Bongs?
Now that you understand what a dry herb vaporizer is, perhaps you are curious to learn what bongs are. Bongs are beaker-like devices filled with water and consist of a few parts. The first recorded use of a bong was in the 16th century, but archaeologists have found evidence that they were used as early as 2,400 years ago in Russia.
How Do they Work?
As mentioned above, bongs consist of a few parts: the pipe itself, the bowl, the water container, and the neck with the mouthpiece. Using a bong is actually quite simple. All you need to do is fill the water container with water, fill the bowl with ground cannabis, use a flame source to light the cannabis, and inhale.
Interestingly, bongs are a much healthier method of consuming cannabis compared to other consumption methods that use combustion. This is because the water in a bong acts as a filtration system and cools the smoke before it reaches the lungs, resulting in smoother hits.
Benefits of Bongs
While bongs don’t have the advantage of dry herb vaporizers due to being very portable, they are a great consumption method for sharing, which is one of their biggest benefits. Another benefit that bongs offer is the fact that they are relatively cheap and allow the user to consume large amounts of cannabis in a short amount of time.
Finally, bongs are very customizable, depending on the bong you buy. They can be an excellent way for users to show off their personality and customize their experience as they see fit. Mini bongs are also available if people are looking for a way to consume them on the go.