March 15 – June 23 Men are Encouraged to Become a Big Brother
Venice, FL (March 15, 2022) — Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Sarasota, Manatee, DeSoto, Highlands, Hardee, Charlotte, Lee, Hendry, and Collier counties launches its “100 Men in 100 Days” campaign to encourage men to become a Big Brother and volunteer with the organization. The recruitment campaign comes at a good time, as there are 200 boys waiting to be matched with a positive male role model.
One-to-one matches between Bigs and Littles truly empower youth and strengthen communities. Professional staff from Big Brothers Big Sisters carefully build and support each match, and ensure it meets the strictest standards.
While Big Brothers Big Sisters accepts volunteers from all walks of life, there is a greater need for male mentors. Currently, 49% of the youth in the program are boys and 38% of the volunteers are men.
Big Brother and School Resource Office Jose Castellanos sees the positive effect he is having on his Little Brother’s life. “I am fortunate to see firsthand the impact my Little Jamari and I have had on each other that makes us grow as better people. We talk about when we first met and where we are today as our friendship has grown. I look forward to celebrating his graduation. Being his Big Brother has truly been a great experience.”
Research shows that having the positive influence of a “Big” makes a real difference in the life of a child. “Littles” experience improvements in academic performance, behavior, and relationships at home and elsewhere, according to independent studies.
Mentoring is one of the most rewarding, enjoyable, and simple things a volunteer can do. For as little as one hour a week, volunteers can add joy to the life of a child, and ultimately, contribute greatly to his or her potential.
For over 50 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast has been matching youth in meaningful, enduring, professionally supported mentoring relationships with adult volunteers who defend their potential and help them achieve their biggest possible futures. Big Brothers Big Sisters’ evidence-based approach is designed to create positive youth outcomes, including educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors, higher aspirations, greater confidence, and improved relationships. This past year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast has served over 1,500 youth across a 10 county footprint. Learn how to get involved at