September 2021 |
CSX RAILROAD CROSSING REPAIRS WILL TAKE PLACE AT COUNTY LINE ROAD & US92The City of Lakeland is starting a project that includes CSX railroad crossing repairs and a complete crossing signal rebuild at County Line Road and US92. The project is scheduled to begin Monday, September 27th at County Line Road and US92 (New Tampa Highway). The CSX portion of the project is scheduled to be completed two weeks after it starts. The City of Lakeland regrets any delays that may be experienced during this time, along with traffic disruption resulting from this closure. Due to longstanding statutory entitlements, CSX has considerable authority to close their crossings along public and private roadways. The City of Lakeland recognizes these repairs are necessary and will make for better, safer driving conditions when completed. To report a rail crossing issue or complaint, contact CSX at (877) 835-5279 or The complete project that includes the roadway improvements is contracted for 220 days which puts the project completion date March 2022. |
City Commission Finalizes FY2022 Budget This ThursdayThe Lakeland City Commission held the first of two budget hearings for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) on Thursday, Sept. 9th. The City Commission listened to an overview of the budget presented by City Manager Shawn Sherrouse before they voted on the millage rate and the topic of law enforcement body worn cameras as part of the FY22 budget. The final budget hearing will take place this Thursday at 6pm.Sherrouse stated, “The FY22 budget is built on the following assumptions: General Fund Revenues and Surplus reserves will maintain 45-60 days cash-on-hand going forward to Fiscal Year 2024; the budget would maintain the existing millage rate of 5.4644 mills and controllable expenditures would be held below 1.5%.” Total revenue for FY22 is set at $762,300,051. The State of Florida has a balanced budget requirement. A balanced budget occurs when total expenses do not exceed total revenues. |
2021 Red Ribbon Run & ChallengeSaturday, October 16, 2021 The 2021 Red Ribbon Run & Challenge, presented by title sponsor Publix Super Markets, will kick off on Saturday morning, October 16 at Lake Mirror in Lakeland with the Red Ribbon Run for K-8 students, along with the first ever Family Fun Run, plus a great new farmers market featuring delicious fruits, veggies, and healthy activities. Registration is FREE at for students in grades K-8 who pre-register before October 16th and parents may pay a $5 fee to run with their child in the Family Fun Run. Race check-in for the Kids Fun Run begins at 7:00 a.m. at Lake Mirror Auditorium, Family Fun Run takes place at 8:15 a.m., and grade heats begin at 8:30 a.m. (times approximate). There will also be weekly challenges with themes of nutrition, anti-bullying, and fitness where kids can complete online challenges and post them on the Red Ribbon Run Facebook page to earn point for prizes. Additional information about sponsoring, running, or volunteering can be at or on facebook. |
SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES:The City of Lakeland Division of Solid Waste provides a myriad of services for one low monthly rate. Residential customers receive the following each week:Automated Garbage Collection Recycling CollectionYard Waste Collection Residential customers are also provided four bulk collections up to 20 cubic yards each, per calendar year. Bulk Yard Waste means plant material, such as tree branches and shrubbery trimmings too large to be containerized or the pile is larger than 6 feet by 4 feet in size. Items must not be longer than eight feet (8) in length for collection. Residents needing Bulk Yard Waste collection should email with your address and the type of material for collection or call 863-834-8773 to arrange a pickup. Used refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, washers, dryers, and small appliances are collected by a special bulk truck for recycling. Items must be curbside prior to pickup. Customers need to email or call 863-834-8773 to arrange these items to be picked up. |
FREE COVID-19 testing is now available 7 days per week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the RP Funding Center in Lakeland, Gil Jones Plaza in Winter Haven, and Bartow Regional Medical Center in Bartow.You can make your appointment online at |
SICK? STAY HOME.If you or your child are experiencing any Covid-19 syptoms:Fever or chillsCoughShortness of breath or difficulty breathingFatigueMuscle or body achesHeadacheNew loss of taste or smellSore throatCongestion or runny noseNausea or vomitingDiarrheaor you have a positive or outstanding COVID test, or you’re on quarantine, please do not enter any City facility, including our libraries and recreation centers. For the safety of the other patrons, citizens and staff members, if you are sick or think you are sick please use our online services at |
STAY CONNECTEDONLINE | LakelandGov.netIN-PERSON | City Hall • 8AM-5PM • Monday-Friday (Holiday Schedule)SOCIAL MEDIA | Facebook • Twitter • Snapchat • Instagram • Vimeo • Youtube | @LakelandGovLISTEN LAKELAND • First Sunday | FM97.5 WPCV @ 8:30AM | FM 98.3 WWRZ @ 8AM | AM 1430 WLKF @ 8AM | AM 1230 WONN @ 9AMLAKELANDGOV APP • Google Play | The App StoreLAKELANDGOV PODCAST PUBLIC MEETINGSCommission Meetings • First & Third Monday • 9AMUtility Committee Meeting • Friday Preceding First Monday • 11AMLIVE BROADCAST | Spectrum 643 • Frontier FiOS 43 | |