ORLANDO – A collection of Cecily Crossman’s poetry was just republished. Written in the 1960s and 1970s, Mrs. Crossman’s poems will make most people today laugh, some people cry, and many will see a little of themselves.
New Day was ranked as Amazon’s number one new release in its first week.
Crossman says she wrote poetry as a personal release of her feelings during the turbulent decades of unrest for minorities and women as she and her husband served in ministry with the United Methodist Church. The book offers her unique perspective on life as a dedicated wife, raising a family of four while defining and preserving her own identity, and pursuing a career at a time when it was not the popular thing to do.
Several reviewers said the poems present real issues with humor and sentiment and are as relevant today as they were 50 years ago.Crossman self-published the initial thin book of poetry in 1978, “which was no small task prior to PCs and the Internet,”she said.
New Day is priced at $9.98on Amazon.com and is also available at Barnes and Noble. “After 50 plus years I was encouraged by friends and family to add a few new poems and republish New Day. It’s very gratifying to see how it has been received,” she said.