Tampa, FL – The days of Holy Week are a special time of grace in which to recall the events of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection, and the Franciscan Center will honor this time with a special Holy Week Retreat.
This year, the Franciscan Center’s Holy Week Retreat takes place during the three days leading up to Easter Sunday (April 12): Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The Franciscan Center provides the ideal setting to opening one’s self to the great graces of celebrating the special liturgies. The weekend includes spiritual and inspirational talks with Father Ed Lamp, as well as time for quiet reflection in the peaceful atmosphere of the Franciscan Center.
Father Lamp, a priest of the diocese of St. Petersburg, FL, has served as an associate pastor and pastor, as well as a Veterans’ Hospital chaplain. Inspired by his nursing background, the healing of body, mind and soul remain his spiritual priority. And, as always, humor is a must!
“The peace and natural beauty of the Franciscan Center is such an appropriate setting for our Holy Week Retreat,” said Franciscan Center CEO Wendy Leigh. “It’s a wonderful way to prepare spiritually for Easter and spring-time awakenings of all kinds.”
The Holy Week Retreat is scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 9 a.m. through Sunday, April 12, 10 a.m. Fee: $312/single, $297.00/ per person double/commuter: $180.00. Space is limited; advance registration is recommended. Registration/tickets on-line: FranciscanCenterTampa.org, or call (813) 229-2695, email for more information: info@franciscancentertampa.org
The Franciscan Center is a non- profit, 501(3)(c), private retreat house sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY. Its mission is to provide the community with a place of peace, growth and wellness for the body, mind and soul. Visit FranciscanCenterTampa.org for information on upcoming classes, retreats, events, and facility availability or call 813-229-2695.