Every parent wishes the best for their kids in all aspect, especially their health. With the availability of unhealthy food today, many kids have acquired sickness which could have been prevented. Therefore a well balanced diet of a child is very important. Proteins are considered as one of the healthiest foods for kids. It promotes the overall development of the child and provides wellness for a growing kid. Therefore, frequent intake of proteins is required for the healthy growth of a child. We will look into eight sources of protein food which is also inclusive of other beneficial purpose.
Egg– Eggs are rich in proteins and is kid friendly food. It sustains a child’s hunger longer and helps in avoiding eating calories. Egg also helps in maintaining the weight of a child because it is sugar free and is nutritious. It is advisable for any parent to begin feeding their child with egg from the age as early as six months old infant. Eggs are also reliable when it comes to brain development and helps in keeping up with their growing demands as it has chlorine magnesium in it. Along with it, eggs also offer zinc, vitamins, phosphorous, iron etc.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Peanut butter- Peanut butter does not only taste good but it has many health benefits for children. Although it contains fats, it is healthy for the heart. Providing proteins and nutrients, peanut butter plays an important role in the growth of a child. Despite its advantages, it has calories which may cause obesity to the child so the study recommends moderate use of peanut butter which can be very effective for healthy lifestyle of a child.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Milk- Apart from breastfeeding, a toddler should be nursed with other form of milk for their mental and physical health. Milk is used for making many shakes also including protein shakes. There are many protein powders for kids today that can be good supplements along with milk. Check out some of the best protein option for kids for their good health. Kids are prone to various infections, to this, milk fights against it. Milk is also essential for kid’s diet because it is required for appropriate functioning of the circulatory system and vigorous nervous system.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Broccoli- Broccoli has more protein than other vegetables. Although both cooked and raw it is equally healthy, yet researchers have found out that steaming broccoli provides healthier result. There are varieties of vitamins which is advantageous for kid’s health. It confers very less calories and is capable of evading weight gain for any kids. Some kids do not like to eat broccoli but there is an alternate way to feed your child with it, you can make a soup of it. Nutritionists have suggested that it should be incorporated in regular diet of a child since it has long term positive impact.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Almonds- A child needs proper quantity of proteins while growing up and studies have shown that almond is one of the healthiest nuts. The best benefit of almond is its power to increase healthy heart. It is also a good source of plant protein, magnesium, minerals, unsaturated fats. Almond has zero cholesterol which helps in preventing cardiac problem. What is essential in almond intake by kids is that it generates healthy condition of their immune system. The presence of phosphorus in it gives strong bones and prevents tooth decay of a child. Almond diet consists of nutrients that can also prevent Alzheimer’s sickness and it also improves memory power of the child. This nut enables a child to concentrate better which is inventive for his/her academic life and other areas of life.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Beans- Beans contains rich proteins that make available multiple health benefits for kids. They are low in fats and avoid obesity in a child because it has gradual digestion that keeps the kid full and not face hunger any time soon. There is strong fiber which wrestles against child’s constipation. Bean reduces cholesterol and prevents blood sugars which avert diabetes in the child’s future. Eating beans may not show immediate result of the above benefits but it plays a vital role in the later life of the child’s health.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Fish- Of all the many protein food choices, fish could be the best one for kids and adults as well. This diet includes selenium that facilitates prevention of cancer and addition of zinc heightens the immune system of the child. Fish is rich in offering good eyesight and it also consists of calcium that is beneficial for strengthening bones. The study tells that another important aspect of fish diet is the ability to save the child from suffering from Asthma. However, studies suggest that parents should not feed fish to their child at an early age i.e., before 2-3 years old.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
Tofu- There is high protein in tofu as well as amino acids present. Keeping intact with the taste, tofu gives nutritive value to child’s health. In addition, tofu is low in calories but offers varieties of vitamins and minerals which are essential for any age kids. Tofu proteins are attached with improved blood fats and have a low risk of any kind of heart disease.
(Image Source: Pixabay)
There are many other such foods that are good sources of proteins for kids. According to your diet preferences and that of your kids, you can choose what is best for your kids, particularly for their health.