Imagine a world in which you are able to combine concentrates, liquidizers, and terpenes to create endless flavor options. This is the world of THC vape juice and it’s thrilling. All of these items are cannabis concentrate enhancers and they each modify concentrates in different ways. The result is a vape mod ready mix that you’ll enjoy far more than any pre-filled vape cartridge at the dispensary.
Furthermore, making your own e juice is cheaper and gives you control over the strain and effects you’re seeking.
How THC Vape Juice Was Born
THC’s reputation is under rehabilitation. The general public doesn’t see cannabis users as delinquents or underachievers anymore, they understand that anyone can use cannabis. It’s just a way to improve wellness or relax after a long productive day.
This shifting perspective allowed governments to legalize cannabis and, in turn, manufacturers started creating products for cannabis users. Forget the stigma, cannabis is big business.
Cannabis concentrates, which come in many forms but we’ll just call wax for ease of reference, cropped up naturally. These substances are easier to vape than the cannabis we were always used to. Wax enables us to make DIY vape juice.
Making your very own THC vape juice with terpenes and liquidizers is becoming the most popular way to use cannabis. Unfortunately, some people are confused about what these terms mean and how to use these substances.
This article will clear up some common questions.
Wax And Other Cannabis Concentrates And Their Makeup
Hemp and cannabis produce organic substances known as cannabinoids. These substances have a full impact on the whole body by interacting with a complex system that evolved within us referred to as the Endocannabinoid System.
It’s a functioning network of biochemicals, neurotransmitters, fatty acids, and receptors. These elements work in concert to maintain the body in excellent condition. When something is out of balance, cannabinoids assist the body so it’s in a position to rectify the imbalance.
Cannabinoids like THC also help us relax and get a different perspective on reality for a short period of time.
Cannabinoids are not the only substances these plants make that interact with the ECS, however. Terpenes, which are aromatic compounds, also come into play.
Terpenes are able to up the effects of cannabinoids and exert their personal impact on the ECS. Additionally, they smell incredible. Terpenes create the distinct scent you associate with your favorite cannabis strains.
By the way, terpenes may also be in perfumes, soft drinks, cleaning products, along with other plants. They really have nothing to do with cannabis other than that it’s one of the many plants that create them and its association with the ECS.
THC Vape Juice From Wax
Cannabis wax is relatively easy to find and enables people to make their own vape juice easily. It all started with pre-filled vape cartridges.
Pre-filled vape cartridges are sold at dispensaries in.5 ml volumes. These’re usually simple vape cartridges that either come attached to a battery that powers the device. Sometimes you are able to add them to your very own battery, but continue to be restricted to simple 510 threaded varieties. In short, it’s not a lot of control.
These cartridges contain a mix of a mixing solution, cannabis concentrate, and terpenes. Terpenes are added for taste and the mixing solution is both a liquidizer or perhaps best described as a diluent that changes the thick consistency of concentrates. This transformation is necessary because wax is too thick to be compatible with vape mod atomizers.
THC Vape Juice: What Are Liquidizers?
Liquidizers are used to change the consistency of cannabis concentrate making it vape ready. They require seconds to add to wax and warm slightly.
What Are Added Terpenes?
Terpenes are plant produced scent compounds that vapers love to add into their vapes for flavor and the side benefits they trigger in the body. They smell amazing and get added because some terpenes escape during concentrate creation.
What Are Dilutents?
Some terpenes act as their own dilutent while others are sold together with diluents. Dilutents and thinners or liquidizers are all very similar but may contain different ingredients, all of which are FDA approved as safe for the market.
Basically, diluents are sold with terpenes or on their own and are an additional way to change the consistency of the concentrate.
Mixing Wax And Enhancers To Make THC Vape Juice
This customization may sound complicated but you’ll catch on fast. Each manufacturer has detailed instructions about the way you should work with all these items. You are able to also vape terpenes by themselves in case you would like to experience a cannabis-free vape that tastes great and can help balance your body.
You might mix wax with a liquidizer at a 1:1 ratio, add some terpenes for flavor as well as to thin the mix a bit more, place it in your vape and enjoy. Alternatively, you can mix wax with a diluent and terpenes by following the directs that come with your enhancers.