WHO: Patel Conservatory at the Straz Center
WHAT: Evening of Dance
WHEN: Friday, May 3, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m.
DETAILS: Patel Conservatory Open Dance program students studying ballet, tap and jazz will perform alongside members of the Patel Conservatory Music department. This performance is sponsored in part by Valley Bank.
Regularly priced ticketsare $15 and may be purchased by calling 813.229.STAR (7827) or 800.955.1045 outside Tampa Bay, in person at the Straz Center Ticket Sales Office or online at www.strazcenter.org. Handling fees will apply.
The accredited Patel Conservatory offers camps and classes in dance, music and theater for students of all ages and experience levels. Registration and more information are available at www.patelconservatory.org and by calling 813.222.1040.
Events, days, dates, times and prices are subject to change without notice.