Tampa, FL – The Planning Commission is proud to announce the winners of our 36th Annual Planning & Design Awards presented by TECO with marketing partner, the Tampa Bay Times. This celebration of excellence in planning and design in Hillsborough County was held on October 25 at TPepin’s Hospitality Centre. Our annual awards program now aligns with the many national festivities held during the American Planning Association’s National Community Planning Month (NCPM) and celebration of Great Places in America. Established in 2006, NCPM highlights the role of planners and the importance of good planning in our communities.
Award winners were selected by a panel of distinguished judges from outside of Hillsborough County. Photographs of the event and award winners can be viewed in an albumon the Planning Commission’s facebook page. Brendan McLaughlin, Master of Ceremonies, presented eight Awards of Merit, four Awards of Excellence, and three Awards of Outstanding Contribution to the Community, including the Jan Abell Award for Historic Preservation.
The Jan Abell Award was created in 2001 by the Planning Commission to recognize Outstanding Contribution in the Historic Preservation Category.
Jan Abell was a local, passionate preservationist who successfully
saved some of Tampa’s and Florida’s most important buildings.
Four special awards were presented that were not judged by our jury.
The Planning Commission’s annual Planning & Design Awards program is
paid for entirely through project entry fees, ticket sales, and sponsorships.
Thank you to all our incredible sponsors for your support of excellence in planning and design contributing to the quality of life in our community!