Grow your business by meeting buyers at the Pinellas County Reverse Trade Show,
Oct. 19, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Meet Pinellas County department buyers, as well as purchasing agents from surrounding counties, at this free annual event. Learn how to grow your business by providing products and services needed by local government agencies, and explore the new Pinellas County Vendor Portal.
Full details and registration can be found at
New in the Data Center…
Manufacturing has a larger impact on local economy than any other industry
Did you know that Pinellas businesses exported $6.7 billion in manufactured goods in 2017? Or that industries such as electronics, medical devices and avionics post trade surpluses? How about that we import about $125 per person in cheese?! These fun facts and more can be found in our new Manufacturing Analysis.
For Sale: 41 Dansville parcels, Pinellas STAR Center
Pinellas County is soliciting sealed Requests for Negotiation (RFN) for the sale of 41 residential parcels in the Dansville area and for the Young-Rainey Science Technology and Research (STAR) Center, a 96-acre manufacturing and technology campus. Please visit for full details and RFN instructions.
News and Resources for Pinellas business impacted by red tide:
U.S. SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans
These working capital loans are intended to assist small businesses in meeting their financial obligations through the disaster recovery period. The maximum interest rate for this program is 3.385 percent with loan terms up to 30 years. The application is available online at and the deadline to apply is June 4, 2019. The SBA Business Recovery Center for Pinellas County is open at the St. Petersburg College EpiCenter, Suite 2-200, 13805 58th Street N., Clearwater. Local businesses are encouraged to visit this office to review their options and receive assistance with their application. The BRC is open Mondays through Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00, and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loans
The Florida Small Business Development Center at Pinellas County Economic Development continues to assist local businesses with the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program. Florida’s Emergency Bridge Loans provide small business owners with two to 100 employees with interest-free loans of up to $50,000 for 180 days. Small businesses impacted by the red tide in Pinellas County may apply for Bridge Loans assistance through October 12, 2018. Red Tide Damage Assessment Survey
Pinellas businesses are encouraged to complete Florida’s Business Damage Assessment Survey to report the impacts of red tide to their operations at Questions?
For questions regarding loans, damage assessments and business assistance, please contact the Florida Small Business Development Center at Pinellas County Economic Development at (727) 453-7200. Pinellas neighbors and Tampa Bay friends, we need your help!
Please don’t let our businesses fail. Let’s belly up to the bar, eat a taco and get our Christmas shopping done early this year. We can’t replace all of the business from our visitors, but we can support our neighbors when they need us most. Please like this, share it with your network, and then join us for a beer at the beach. #RedTideStinks
What’s on your ballot?
Get informed about FL Amendments 1 & 2
As ballots are mailed this month for the Nov. 6 election, there are two statewide amendments that will have a major impact local property taxes for local residents and business owners.
Amendment 1 would provide an additional homestead property tax exemption for a limited portion primary residences on Assessed Value from $100,000-$125,000.
Amendment 2 would make permanent the current 10% cap on Assessed Value for non-homestead properties, including businesses and second homes. This cap is set to expire at the end of this year, which would reset property tax assessments on non-homestead properties to market value.
Please share this important information; visit the website, request a speaker, or share social media posts on Pinellas County Government’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.