Event Name: Community Connections Concert: “Operation: Military Matters” with the Community Concert Band and Community Wind Symphony of St. Petersburg College
Description: St. Petersburg College Wind Ensembles presents an evening of patriotic music, promoting awareness of local charity Operation: Military Matters. Thursday, September 13, 2018 at the Palladium (253 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701). Concert time starts at 7:00 p.m.
This concert celebrates the men and women of our Armed Forces stationed overseas, as well as the pioneering efforts of 12-year old Graci Tubbs, founder of Operation: Military Matters. This local charity, 501 (C) (3), raises funds and donations, to send care- packages to U.S. active military all over the globe.
Throughout the evening, we will share the great stories of appreciation and connection to our overseas troops via music, video, and special guests. All donations will directly benefit Operation: Military Matters. Monetary donations are accepted as well as items listed below.
Accepted donation items: toiletry items, snacks, hard candy, chewing gum, cheese or peanut butter crackers, small canned fruits, flavored water tablets, powdered drinks, microwave popcorn, feminine hygiene products, chapstick, sunscreen, socks, flushable wipes, games, instant coffee, creamer, ramen noodles, beef jerky, tuna or salmon packs, tea, gallon zip lock bags, sandwich zip lock bags, hand lotion, trail mix etc.
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2018
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Palladium, 253 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg
Admission: Free.
Phone: 727-341-4360
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