This Is the Beginning of a Much Needed Resource For the Ever Growing Autism Community
Tampa, FL, April 18, 2018– “We are so excited to help those with autism reach their full potential!” stated Jenifer Band, President of Autism Awareness Shop and Autism Parent, “We will be providing vocational training, paid employment, and community integration for adults on the spectrum.”
We will also be providing Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy for individuals with autism of all ages. In taking over the Tampa Christian Thrift Store at 2908 W. Hillsborough Ave, we have been provided a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many. We can’t wait to show the world what Autism CAN do. Come out see what we are all about on Saturday April 28th from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM!
The thrift store will also be offering great value to the community with a variety of products both gently used and new. For the grand opening there will be a raffle with 5 lucky winners who will receive a $100 thrift store shopping spree. Everyone will receive a free autism necklace ($20 value) and can enjoy a $15 fill-a-bag sale. This will be along with a variety of other family friendly activities.
“I’m excited to be working. I keep learning and doing new things all the time.” Exclaimed Cody McDaniel, inspiration behind Autism Awareness Shop and it’s first employee on the spectrum.
Autism Awareness Shop is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and was founded with a mission to provide vocational training, employment and community integration for adult with autism as well as support for families affected by autism.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Jenifer or Scott Band at Jen-954-829-4727 or Scott-813-679-3308 or email at .