We are pleased to have 411 PAIN as our presenting sponsor of First Night St. Petersburg’s 25TH silver anniversary event. We are Florida’s largest and most popular First Night celebration! First Night is a family oriented New Year’s Eve Celebration of the Arts bringing music, art and entertainment to more than 25 venues in downtown St. Petersburg, FL. First Night St. Peters-burg will be held on December 31, 2017 from 4pm – midnight.
We also welcome The Vitale Bros whose design will be used in our admission buttons, posters, t-shirts and ads. Their accomplishments have included art events, set design, fine art reproduc-tions, faux finishing, and commercial exterior painting, among many other endeavours. The Vi-tale Brothers have been an integral part of St. Petersburg, Florida’s art scene, as well as huge supporters of other local artists.
First Night is produced by First Night St. Petersburg Inc. a private not-for-profit, and is paid for by donations, sponsorships and the sale of our admission buttons designed by local artists The Vitale Bros.
For more information visit our website at www.FirstNightStPete.com or call 727-823-8906. To volunteer for a shift at First Night, email info@firstnightstpete.com