The six-week professional development training program for artists and the personnel of arts organizations will provide the skills and confidence to meet for profit and non-profit business challenges.
This workshop includes a discussion of the function, types and cost of surety bonds; and how to obtain them. SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program will also be discussed.
This program offers two local entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their startups to a diverse audience of mentors, advisors and entrepreneurs from the community.
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Using SEO to Improve
Your Google Rankings
2 – 4 pm
This workshop will help attendees understand the basics of Google Rankings and Search Results. Also included will be information on SEO Planning including planning, content, keywords, site organization and Google Analytics.
Successfully Launching
Your Business:
Grand Openings & Beyond
6 – 7:30 pm
The Greenhouse, in collaboration with SCORE and the St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce, presents an innovative workshop offering tips for successful grand openings & strategies for growing your customer base AFTER the ribbon is cut.
Learn some of the secrets that can make the difference between a good estimate and a profitable estimate. Find out how your estimates can be more accurately and where to find “leaks” in your bids that may be draining your profit margins. This class is geared toward construction industry professionals, however these principles are universal.
Are you ready to start a new small business? This workshop will lead you through the steps you should take to be successful. Sign up for this workshop to learn a no-nonsense approach to starting a business with a higher chance of success.