Avast! Pirate Bay Roller Derby is recruiting new skaters from Pinellas, Pasco and surrounding counties! All levels of skating skills, aged 18+, are invited to join the crew.
Meet the pirates of Tarpon Springs at the next recruitment event, Wednesday, May 31st at 8:30pm at Astro Skate of Tarpon Springs, located at 875 Cypress St, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689. For more information, contact us at (727) 386 – YOHO(9646) or ahoy@piratebayrollerderby.com
Potential skaters will be given an introduction to roller derby and explanation of how skating can improve fitness. Roller derby is a great way to get healthy and happy, all while building lasting friendships. Attendees will be able to interact with current skaters, ask questions, and learn the time and financial commitments required to become a member of Pirate Bay Roller Derby.
All skating levels are welcome, and brand new skaters will be taught to skate before learning how to play roller derby.
Not interested in skating, but want to be involved with roller derby? There are plenty of non-skating volunteer roles that allow you to be a part of the team without strapping on quads.
For more information, visit the recruitment event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1471629892858958/. Learn more about the league by visiting www.PirateBayRollerDerby.com.
Pirate Bay Roller Derby was formed in October 2016 by a group of ambitious skaters who collectively created the league with the purpose of remaining focused on athleticism & community outreach. Their co-ed team Cutthroat Krewe and their women’s team, The Krakens, have the home port of Astro Skate in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Pirate Bay Roller Derby is made up of skaters from the surrounding counties, including Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Hillsborough. Each member is dedicated to supporting their teammates, building each other’s self-confidence and skating skills. As a recognized Not for Profit Organization, the league works together to support local charities & businesses, and are proud Pinellas Trail cleaners in the Keep Pinellas Beautiful, Adopt a Mile program.